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The Standing Conference on Teacher Education, North and South (SCoTENS) is a network of 38 colleges of education, university education departments, teaching councils, curriculum councils, education trade unions and education centres on the island of Ireland with a responsibility for and interest in teacher education.

SCoTENS was established in 2003 to create a safe space for teacher educators – North and South– to come together and discuss issues of common interest, and explore ways of co-operating closely together. A part of the broader peace dynamic that was gathering momentum on the island of Ireland at the time, it has always been rooted in the deepest commitment to quality teaching and learning for all.

The Centre for Cross Border Studies provides secretariat services for cross-border networks, currently SCoTENS and Universities Ireland.

If you require secretariat services for your cross-border project or network please contact Anthony Soares, Director of the Centre for Cross Border Studies, to discuss your needs, email:

Visit the SCoTENS websiteThe Centre for Cross Border Studies