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The UK Referendum on Membership of the EU: Citizen Mobility (Briefing Paper 4)

Posted On: 20 Jun 2016


Leading up to the referendum, the Centre for Cross Border Studies and Co-operation Ireland are publishing a series of briefing papers which aim to inform debate by exploring the potential impacts on Northern Ireland and North-South relations.

This fourth paper in the series considers the issue of the free movement of citizens within the EU and how a UK withdrawal from the European Union may impact on the ability of people to move  across the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

It begins by outlining the rights currently enjoyed by EU citizens – including those from the UK – in relation to free movement, as set out in the relevant EU treaties, and how these relate to arrangements agreed between the UK and the Republic of Ireland that predate their accession to the EU. We will also assess the potential impacts of a Brexit on people currently commuting to work across the only land border between the UK and another EU Member State, before highlighting the negotiations undertaken by the UK Prime Minister and the EU on the matter of immigration.


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