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CCBS Submission to the House of Lords European Affairs Subcommittee inquiry on data adequacy and its implications for the UK-EU relationship

Posted On: 04 Jun 2024


The House of Lords European Affairs Committee, chaired by Lord Ricketts, has launched an inquiry into data adequacy and its implications for the UK-EU relationship.

The inquiry comes ahead of the upcoming renewal decision to continue allowing the free flow of commercial and criminal investigation related personal data to and from the bloc, which was granted by the EU post-Brexit under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law Enforcement Directive.

The inquiry will focus on how current arrangements are working in practice, including benefits and shortcomings, as well as the possible implications of any divergence in the respective data protection regimes of the UK and EU.

The inquiry will focus, in particular, on the following themes:

  • Assessment of the existing adequacy arrangement underpinning data flows between the UK and the European Union
  • Possible challenges to UK-EU data adequacy regime
  • Implications of a no or disrupted UK-EU data adequacy scenario
  • Lessons learned from other countries’ experiences with the adequacy system and engagement with the European Commission’s process.

The Centre for Cross Border Studies submitted its response to the Sub-Committee. You can download a copy of the Centre’s submission below.

Download PDFThe Centre for Cross Border Studies