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Watch the 7th Annual Sir George Quigley Memorial Lecture

Posted On: 11 Jul 2022


*Lecture slides can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Gender Budgeting – at a crossroads between gender equality policy and public financial management? 

Taking place in TU Dublin, the 7th Annual Sir George Quigley Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof. Ann Marie Gray of Ulster University.

Gender budgeting is a concept that is now accepted globally and that has gained the support of international organisations including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations.  In its broadest sense it can provide a way of analysing government expenditure and fiscal policy in order to promote gender equality.  However, to have a lasting impact gender budgeting must not just inform budgetary processes but be integrated into those processes in a way that generates benefits in policy outcomes.  This lecture surveys gender budgeting efforts from a five nation perspective, assessing the opportunities for policy learning and the need for a re-politicisation of gender budgeting.

Ann Marie Gray is Professor of Social Policy in the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences at Ulster University. She is also co-director of the ARK project, a joint Ulster University/Queen’s University, Belfast research centre.  Ann Marie has been an Open Society International Visiting Scholar at universities in Moldova and Azerbaijan supporting the development of Social Policy and Social Work.  Her research interests are in the areas of social care, devolution and social policy and gender and social policy. Ann Marie is currently working with colleagues Joan Ballantine and Michelle Rouse and the NI Women’s Budget Group on a Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust funded project on the potential of gender budgeting to address gender inequality in NI.

This is the 7th Annual Sir George Quigley Memorial Lecture. These Memorial Lectures are held in honour of Sir George Quigley, whose vision for cross-border cooperation resonates strongly with the work of the Centre for Cross Border Studies.

Download Lecture SlidesThe Centre for Cross Border Cooperation