A message to all CCBS friends in these difficult times
Posted On: 27 Mar 2020
The COVID-19 crisis is posing major challenges to all those who live on this island, these islands, and globally. Sadly, it is taking the lives of loved ones and causing distress to many, including financial distress as businesses are forced to cease trading. It is putting unbelievable strains on health services and other front-line services, resulting in amazing self-sacrifice and heroism from health workers and other front-line workers, and calling on leadership from politicians and officials. Although we may have witnessed instances of those ignoring calls to change behaviours in order to save lives, we have also seen many more examples of individuals and communities rising to the occasion and helping others to get through these dark times.
While there may be lessons to learn and examples of best practice to share in terms of North-South and cross-border cooperation in facing the COVID-19 crisis, foremost in the thoughts of all of us at the Centre for Cross Border Studies at this time is the safety and wellbeing of all our friends and their families, and all those living across this island and these islands. As we continue to work (from our homes), we hope to see you all soon, but in the meantime stay safe!”