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Briefing paper: 2nd Quarterly Survey on the conditions for North-South and East-West cooperation

Posted On: 22 Jul 2021

East-West North-South


Briefing on the findings from the 2nd Quarterly Survey (April to June 2021).

Following the response to the Centre for Cross Border Studies’ 2nd Quarterly Survey on the Conditions for North-South and East-West Cooperation, this briefing paper examines the responses received from civic society organisations and local authorities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

It assesses how the necessary conditions for North-South cooperation are being maintained, and how relations between organisations on the island of Ireland and Great Britain are being safeguarded in the first few months since the end of the Brexit Transition Period and the implementation of the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol.

An online presentation setting out the survey results and the briefing paper is here.

Download PDFThe Centre for Cross Border Cooperation